Brass Instrument Chem Clean
The difference between a medium bore and a large bore instrument can be as little as .003”. Many instruments have over twice this thickness in debris and contaminants coating the interior surfaces. In addition to making the instrument feel tight, this material can interfere with the valve and slide action.
A chemical cleaning removes these deposits of old oil, grease and corrosion and plaque deposits from your instrument. During a chem.-clean, the instrument is disassembled, de-greased, and soaked in mild acids to dissolve any deposits and brighten the metal. It is then thoroughly rinsed, neutralized and all tubes are snaked or brushed to remove any stubborn deposits. The instrument is then reassembled with fresh lubricants.
Typically, your instrument will need to be in our shop for 1-3 days, depending on the instrument and the shop schedule. While the procedure takes only a few hours, we sometimes have a heavy workload and may get backed up. Same day service can often be arranged if needed.
Trumpet/Cornet....................................................................................$ 110.00
Flugel Horn..............................................................................................$ 115.00
Single French Horn..............................................................................$ 155.00
Double French Horn............................................................................$ 190.00
Trombone..................................................................................................$ 130.00
Trombone w/ Rotor.............................................................................$ 155.00
Euphonium / Baritone........................................................................$ 175.00
Tuba piston Valve................................................................................$ 240.00
Tuba Rotary Valve..................................................................................$ 300.00
We recommend that your instrument be cleaned once a year with
heavy use to keep it in the best condition.